Welcome to Our Aquaculture Hub

At the heart of successful aquaculture lies a deep understanding of the environment in which aquatic life thrives. Our aquaculture application is designed to help you monitor and manage crucial water quality parameters that ensure the health and productivity of your aquatic system. Here’s a closer look at the key parameters we track:

Dissolved Oxygen (DO): Essential for the respiration of fish and other aquatic organisms, dissolved oxygen levels directly impact their growth and survival. Our application helps you maintain optimal DO levels to keep your aquatic life healthy and vigorous.

Ammonia: Ammonia, a byproduct of fish waste and decomposing organic matter, can be toxic at high concentrations. We provide tools to monitor and manage ammonia levels, ensuring that they remain within safe limits to prevent stress and harm to your aquatic species.

pH: The pH level of water affects nutrient availability and overall aquatic health. Our system offers real-time pH monitoring to help you maintain a stable environment, which is crucial for the well-being of your aquatic organisms.

Salinity: For brackish and marine aquaculture, salinity levels must be carefully controlled to match the needs of different species. Our application enables precise salinity monitoring, helping you create the ideal conditions for your aquatic life.

Nitrite: Like ammonia, nitrite is a byproduct of waste decomposition and can be harmful at elevated levels. Our monitoring tools assist you in keeping nitrite concentrations low, promoting a healthier environment for your aquatic species.

Turbidity: Turbidity, or the cloudiness of water caused by suspended particles, can affect light penetration and the overall health of your aquatic ecosystem. Our application helps you monitor turbidity levels to maintain clear water conditions, enhancing the growth and well-being of your aquatic life.

Total Hardness: Total hardness measures the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in the water. It influences the overall stability of the aquatic environment and the health of organisms, particularly in freshwater systems. Our application provides accurate total hardness readings to help you maintain balanced water conditions for optimal growth and development.

Alkalinity: Alkalinity, or the water’s ability to neutralize acids, plays a crucial role in stabilizing pH levels. It helps buffer the aquatic environment against sudden pH changes, which can be stressful to aquatic species. With our monitoring tools, you can keep track of alkalinity to ensure a stable and conducive environment for your aquatic life.

By keeping a close eye on these critical parameters, our aquaculture application empowers you to optimize water quality, enhance the health of your aquatic species, and achieve successful aquaculture outcomes. Dive into a world of precise and effective water management with us today!

Akso Instruments Srl

AKSO, founded in 2003 in Brazil, designs and manufactures reliable measuring instruments. ISO certified, we provide high-quality products and dedicated support.

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Via San Gaetano 5, 36016

Thiene - Italia


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